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Nevada Standard Residential Lease Agreement

A Nevada standard residential lease agreement is a contract between a landlord and tenant that allows a tenant to rent a property in exchange for monthly rent. This type of agreement is usually for a one-year period.
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Rental Application – Used by landlords to assess a tenant’s financial circumstances and ability to pay rent.

Required Disclosures (5)

  1. Fees – A lease agreement must disclose any fees included in the rent.[1]
  2. Foreclosure – Tenants must be made aware if the property they’re moving into has entered into foreclosure proceedings.[2]
  3. Lead-Based Paint Disclosure & EPA Pamphlet – If a property was constructed before 1978, its tenant must be aware that lead-based paint may have been used.
  4. Move-in Checklist – A tenant must sign an assessment of the property’s condition before moving in.[3]
  5. Nuisance/Violation Guide – A landlord must disclose to a tenant the process for reporting a nuisance to the relevant authorities.[4]

Security Deposit Laws

Maximum Amount – Up to three months’ rent.[5]

Returning – Any unused portion of a security deposit must be returned to a tenant within 30 days. Deductions must be outlined in an itemized list.[6]

Rent Payment Laws

Grace Period – Three days.[7]

Maximum Late Fee – Up to 5% of the monthly rent.[8]

NSF Fee – No more than $25 can be charged as a penalty for a bounced check.[9]