How to Verify a Tenant’s Rent (3 steps)
A landlord verification form is commonly required by a future landlord when also completing a Rental Application. Below are the suggested steps to take when requesting the rent amount from the landlord.
1. Tenant Completes a Rental App
There is no sense in sending a landlord verification form to a previous landlord without first qualifying an applying tenant. The first step in qualifying a tenant is by using a rental application.
After seeing the initial results of the tenant’s credit report, the landlord may choose to reject the tenant immediately. If not, they will follow through with the screening procedure.
2. Verify the Tenant’s Information
A common scenario is that a tenant’s credit report and finances are good but their rental history is still in doubt or unverified. Landlords, especially those with property in high demand, want to make certain that their tenant is qualified.
When sending the landlord verification letter to the tenant’s previous landlord, it’s the best way to get an honest answer and thereby make the best decision as to accepting or declining the tenant’s application. Before sending, ensure the information on the rental application matches the information on the landlord verification form.
3. Send with Return Postage
For the best chances of receiving a response, include a completed return envelope with paid postage and a check (fee to landlord). If sending this landlord verification letter, obtain a small fee (non-refundable) from the applicant.
The fee amount should then be applied to the check. The previous landlord is more apt to fulfill this request if being paid to do so.
Date: [DATE]
To whom this may concern,
[TENANT’S NAME] (“Tenant”) has granted us, [REQUESTOR’S NAME], authorized consent to verify tenancy regarding the residence located at: [ADDRESS].
The Tenant has specifically mentioned you as their current or previous landlord. If you could assist us in our decision of whether to offer housing to the Tenant, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please send this form in any of the following methods:
Mailing Address: [ADDRESS]
E-Mail: [E-MAIL]
Please answer the following questions:
1. Is the Tenant currently renting from you? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If yes, is the Tenant current with ALL rental payments? ☐ Yes ☐ No
2. Did the applicant ever pay rent late during the term of their lease? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If yes, how many times? [#]
3. Has the applicant ever been more than thirty (30) days late with any rental payment? ☐ Yes ☐ No
4. Did the applicant have any pets? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If yes, how many and what kind? [DESCRIBE]
5. Have you had to give the applicant a lease violation notice, at any time, during the term of their lease? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If yes, what was the reason? [DESCRIBE]
6. Was there ever any legal issues or property damage? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If yes, please describe: [DESCRIBE]
7. Would you rent to this Tenant again? ☐ Yes ☐ No
a.) If no, please explain: [DESCRIBE]
I certify, as the Tenant’s previous landlord, to have answered the questions herein truthfully and to the best of my ability.
Signature: ________________________ Date: ______________
Print Name: ________________________