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Illinois Bill of Sale Forms (5)

Illinois bill of sale forms are documents that provide information about the sale, purchase, or trade of property. They are primarily used for vehicle transfers, but they can also be used to record the transfer of ownership of any personal property. The buyer will need a signed copy to register any vehicle transfer with the Secretary of State.
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Forms (5)

Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale – Use to sell, purchase and change ownership of an automobile.

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Boat Bill of Sale – To be used in the sale, purchase, and change of ownership for a vessel/boat.

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General Bill of Sale – To be used, for the most part, between two individuals when sale and purchase of personal property changes ownership.

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Gun Bill of Sale – Transfer ownership of a firearm after the sale between buyer and seller.

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Junk Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form VSD 658) – Available to validate a sale of a junk vehicle to an individual or salvage business.

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Vehicle Registration Forms

Boat Registration Forms