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Kansas Deed Forms

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Updated April 10, 2024

A Kansas deed is a legal form used when parties wish to transfer real estate in the State of Kansas. There are different types of deeds depending on the circumstances surrounding the transfer. Some deeds provide a form of warranty, a quit claim provides no warranty and a transfer on death deed automatically transfers the property upon the death of the owner. It is important for the transferee, or grantee to know exactly what interest he or she is receiving as a result of the transfer. Therefore, a complete and comprehensive title search may be necessary. A title search is a method of determining if there are any undisclosed interests in the property.

Laws – Chapter 58, Article 22. Conveyances of Land

Recording – All deeds must be processed at the County Recorder’s Office in the jurisdiction of the property being transferred (See County Website List).[1]

Signing – All deeds are required to be acknowledged in the presence of a notary public.[2]

Deed Types (4)

Quit Claim – This provides no assurance of a clear title and merely transfers whatever interest the grantor (seller) has in the property.

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Special Warranty – This type of warranty deed provides a limited warranty with the grantor (seller) guaranteeing that they have made no transfers of interest while holding the property.

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Statutory Warranty – This type of warranty deed provides a full guarantee that the title is clear. If someone claims an interest in the property, the grantor agrees to defend the buyer against such a claim.

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Transfer on Death – This type of deed is made to make sure property is transferred automatically at the death of the property owner. This is a way for someone to make sure the real estate does not go through the probate process.

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  1. K.S.A. § 58-2221
  2. K.S.A. § 58-2205