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Wisconsin Employment Contract Templates (4)

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Wisconsin Employment Contract Templates (4)

Updated December 02, 2023

A Wisconsin employment contract agreement is a document that regulates the working conditions conceived by an employer for an employee. When hiring a new employee, an employer can implement a contract agreement to set forth their policies and to define how the individual will be compensated for the services they render. Employers should be sure to specify the individual’s wage (including commission and bonuses), the frequency of payments, their operating schedule, and the employment period. Other provisions may be added to protect the employer’s confidential information or to ensure that employees refrain from engaging in business activity with other companies while under contract. Employees that violate the agreement may be subject to litigation and the reimbursement of legal fees.

Table of Contents

By Type (4)

Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) – A contract that prevents employees from releasing company information for personal gain.

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Employee Non-Compete Agreement – Enforces employees to maintain company information and indicates how employees can or cannot engage in business activity with other entities.

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Independent Contractor Agreement – Outlines the working relationship between an independent contractor and the client for whom services are being provided.

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Subcontractor Agreement – A contract specifying the conditions of employment for a subcontractor whose skills have been outsourced by another contractor.

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What is an Employee?

“Employee” Definition[1]

“. . . means, except as provided in § 452.38, any person who may be required or directed by any employer, in consideration of direct or indirect gain or profit, to engage in any employment, or to go or work or be at any time in any place of employment.”

At-Will Employment

At-Will Employment – Allowed with the exception of any “Public Policy” and “Implied Contracts” understandings.

Income Tax Rate (Individual)

Individual Income Tax – 3.86% – 7.65%[2]

Minimum Wage ($/hr)

Minimum Wage – $7.25[3]


  1. § 103.001(5)
  2. § 71.06
  3. § 104.035