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Kansas 5-Day Notice to Quit Form | Non-Payment

A Kansas 5-day notice to quit (non-payment) is a document sent to tenants by their landlords when they fail to pay rent on time. The notice informs tenants that they have five days to either pay or face eviction.
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  • Notice Period: Three days if hand-delivered; five days if mailed.[1]
  • Rent Grace Period: No statute.
  • Maximum Late Fee: No statute.

Delivery Options

Notice can be delivered in one of the following ways:

  • Handed to the tenant;
  • Handed to a person over 12 years old residing at the premises; or
  • Posted in a conspicuous place on the premises.

If notice is mailed, an additional two days from the date of mailing should be added to the notice period.[2]

Waiver of Landlord’s Right to Terminate

Accepting late payment from the tenant constitutes a waiver of the landlord’s right to terminate the lease agreement for the breach of non-payment.[3]


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