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New Jersey Power of Attorney Forms (9 Types)

New Jersey power of attorney forms are documents people can use to grant authority to another individual to handle affairs related to financial, medical, and other personal matters on their behalf. The person giving power ("principal") will have the choice of handing over limited or unrestricted power to the other person ("agent").
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By Type (9)

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – Conveys general powers over one’s property and assets to another. It will stay in effect even if the person creating it can no longer make his or her own decisions.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – Just like the durable form in that it conveys certain powers over property and assets, but instead of staying in effect upon the principal’s incapacity, it becomes void, upon incapacity.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – Use for specifically defined transactions or time periods. It is only in effect for the intended transaction and is void thereafter.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.[1]

Medical Power of Attorney – Allows a person to appoint someone to act on their behalf with regard to health care decisions.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public or two (2) witnesses.[2]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – This allows you to give authority to another to take care of your children in the event of your absence.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Two (2) witnesses.[3]

Revocation of Power of Attorney – Use to revoke a POA. It is important that this executed form is provided to the agent and any others relying on the POA so that they receive notice of its revocation.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.[4]

Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public and one (1) witness.

Tax Power of Attorney (Form M-5008-R) – Use to give authority to another, usually a tax professional, to represent your interests in front of the tax authorities.

Download: PDF

Signing Requirements: Principal and their representative.

Vehicle Power of Attorney – Use to give authority to another to represent your motor vehicle interests with the motor vehicle commission.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.
