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Louisiana Power of Attorney Forms (10 Types)

A Louisiana power of attorney, or "mandate," permits an individual to legally and officially designate a representative ("mandatory") to act on their behalf when necessary. A principal may use a power of attorney form for financial, medical, parenting, tax, or other related reasons.
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By Type (10)

Durable (Financial) Power of Attorney – This type allows a person to designate a mandatory or agent to act on financial and other matters even if they become incapacitated.

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Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.[1]

General (Financial) Power of Attorney – This type is similar to the durable form except that instead of continuing effect upon the principal’s incapacity, it becomes void and ineffective.

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Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.[1]

Limited Power of Attorney – A special type can only be used in a specific situation.

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Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.[1]

Minor (Child) Power of Attorney – This form is used when you need to have someone in place to represent your child’s interests in the event you are unavailable to do so.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.[1]

Medical Power of Attorney – This form is for use when you need someone to be available to represent your healthcare interests.

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Signing Requirements: Two (2) witnesses.[2]

Real Estate Power of Attorney – Used to appoint a representative to execute real estate transactions on the principal’s behalf.

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Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.[1]

Revocation of Power of Attorney – This is used to cancel any type of power of attorney you may have created in the past.

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Signing Requirements: No specific requirements, however, two (2) witnesses or notary public are recommended.

Springing Power of Attorney – Allows a durable power of attorney to ‘kick-in’ upon a principal’s subsequent incapacity.

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Signing Requirements: Notary public and two witnesses.

Tax Power of Attorney (Form R-7006) – This form allows a person to appoint a representative to handle his or her interests in front of the state tax authorities.

Download: PDF

Signing Requirements: The principal and their representative.

Vehicle Power of Attorney – This form is used when you need a representative to act on your behalf as it relates to your motor vehicle.

Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument

Signing Requirements: Notary public.



  1. § 2993
  2. § 28:224