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Notary Acknowledgment Forms

A notary acknowledgment is a sworn statement by a notary public who witnesses a person sign a document. Per state law, the notary public must view government-issued photo identification to prove the signer is the authorized party. A notary is highly recommended for all important legal documents and is often required for most estate forms.
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By State

What is a Notary Public?

A notary public is an individual who sears an oath to officially recognize signatures. In most states, a notary holds their position for four years with a small fee, usually around $100, to renew, plus costs for updated stamps.

How to Find a Notary Public (in-person)

A notary public can be found at every branch bank or a UPS Store and financial institution in the United States. If neither is in your area, use NotaryRotary.com to find available notaries in your area.

Signature Types

Corporation / LLC – If an officer or member of an entity is to sign on behalf of their behalf, there needs to be this language included for legal purposes.

Individuals – Standard form where a person signs and shows proper identification to prove that he or she authorized the document.

Jurat – A person who must take an oath or swear to an affidavit before a notary public.

Partnerships – This specific type of entity requires to be mentioned that it is a partnership and which type (e.g., LP, LLP, LLLP, etc.)

How to Notarize a Document (4 steps)

  1. Completing the Document
  2. Gather the Signers
  3. Find a Notary Public
  4. Distribute Original Copies

1. Completing the Document

person filling out documentLike any profession, the cost of a notary’s time can be expensive. Therefore, it is best to have the document completed and ready to be signed with enough copies so each party may have an original.

2. Gather the Signers

person talking to other signer of documentAll the parties must be present. In addition, all signing individuals must be of legal age (18 years old) and carry government-issued identification. Otherwise, the notary will not be able to verify the identity of the individuals, and you will have to come back.

3. Find a Notary Public

tablet screen showing notary service website

4. Distribute Original Copies

person preparing documentIt is recommended that all persons involved in the document that was notarized are issued an original copy with the seal of acknowledgment. This will verify that each person possesses an authorized copy of the form if it is violated or needs to be shown to a third party.


Notary Laws: By State

State Statutory Form Laws
 Alabama PDF, MS Word, ODT § 35-4-29
 Alaska PDF, MS Word, ODT AS 09.63.100
 Arizona PDF, MS Word, ODT § 41-251
 Arkansas PDF, MS Word, ODT § 16-47-107
 California PDF, MS Word, ODT § 1189
 Colorado PDF, MS Word, ODT § 24-21-516
 Connecticut PDF, MS Word, ODT § 6-1-34
 Delaware PDF, MS Word, ODT § 4328
 Florida PDF, MS Word, ODT § 695.25
 Georgia PDF, MS Word, ODT § 45-17-8
 Hawaii PDF, MS Word, ODT § 502-41
 Idaho PDF, MS Word, ODT § 51-116
 Illinois PDF, MS Word, ODT 5 ILCS 312 § 6-105
 Indiana PDF, MS Word, ODT § 33-42
 Iowa PDF, MS Word, ODT § 9B.16
 Kansas PDF, MS Word, ODT § 53-509
 Kentucky PDF, MS Word, ODT § 423.160
 Louisiana PDF, MS Word, ODT § 35-511
 Maine PDF, MS Word, ODT § 4:1016
 Maryland PDF, MS Word, ODT § 18-216
 Massachusetts PDF, MS Word, ODT § 222:15
 Michigan PDF, MS Word, ODT § 55.287
 Minnesota PDF, MS Word, ODT § 358.66
 Mississippi PDF, MS Word, ODT § 89-3-7
 Missouri PDF, MS Word, ODT § 486.330
 Montana PDF, MS Word, ODT § 1-5-610, § 1-5-603
 Nebraska PDF, MS Word, ODT § 64-206
 Nevada PDF, MS Word, ODT § 240-002
 New Hampshire PDF, MS Word, ODT § 456-B:8
 New Jersey PDF, MS Word, ODT § 46:14-2.1§ 52:7-19
 New Mexico PDF, MS Word, ODT § 14-14A-15
 New York PDF, MS Word, ODT § 137§ 309§ 309A
 North Carolina PDF, MS Word, ODT § 10B-41§ 10B-3
 North Dakota PDF, MS Word, ODT § 44-06.1-19
 Ohio PDF, MS Word, ODT § 147.55
 Oklahoma PDF, MS Word, ODT  § 49-119
 Oregon PDF, MS Word, ODT § 194.286
 Pennsylvania PDF, MS Word, ODT § 316
 Rhode Island PDF, MS Word, ODT § 3(f)
 South Carolina PDF, MS Word, ODT § 26-3-70
 South Dakota PDF, MS Word, ODT § 18-5-8
 Tennessee PDF, MS Word, ODT § 66-22-107
 Texas PDF, MS Word, ODT Title 6, Chapter 121 
 Utah PDF, MS Word, ODT § 57-2a-1 to § 57-2a-7
 Vermont PDF, MS Word, ODT § 14 (RULONA)
 Virginia PDF, MS Word, ODT § 55-118.6
 Washington PDF, MS Word, ODT § 42.44.100
 Washington D.C. N/A § 1–1231.15
West Virginia PDF, MS Word, ODT § 39-4-16
 Wisconsin PDF, MS Word, ODT § 140.16
 Wyoming PDF, MS Word, ODT  § 34-26-108